Affordable, quality dollclothes and furniture for your 18-inch doll. (like the American Girl Doll)

It's Girl Scout Cookie Time

It's Girl Scout Cookie time. We would love to take your cookie order, if there aren't any local Girl Scouts in your neighborhood. Katie hopes to sell 650 boxes of cookies this year. Cookies are still $3.50 a box.
This year's varieties include: Carmamel deLites (also known as Samoas), Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Patties (with chocolate), Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Lemonades, Shortbread, Thanks-A-Lot (shortbread and chocolate) and the new Shout Outs (ginger snap style cookie).
If you live outside the Houston area, we can mail your order to you. Cookies will be delivered in mid-February. Or you can support our troop by donating your cookies to our cookie share recipient, Meals on Wheels for Kids, which serves lunches to 1,200 impoverished kids daily in the Houston area.
If your Girl Scout troop would like to have a doll party, cookie money is a great way to purchase each member an outfit for their doll. Contact your favorite Emily Rose at Home consultant for details.